小程序 > 支付宝小程序 > 常见问题 > setdata(...) can only update a mounted component. this usually means you called setdata() on a unmounted component.
报错描述 ide 推送真机预览,调试面板上出现提示“setdata(...) can only update a mounted component. this usually means you called setdata() on a unmounted component”。 完整案例报文 setdata(...) can only update a mounted component. this usually means you called setdata() on a unmounted component. please check the code for the "/components/settlement/settlement" component of "pages/home/home" page. 报错原因 自定义组件没有渲染完成或者已销毁的情况下进行 setdata 出现。 凯发app官方网站的解决方案 该报错不影响执行。建议在自定义组件 didmount 之后或者 didunmount 之前调用 setdata()。